Rebar Screw yaiku rebar sing ditutup bareng karo kawat, lan uga minangka jinis baja konstruksi.
Tutu coil minangka jinis rebar, nanging ana bedane antarane loro. For example, there are differences in the shape of the two, the rebar is linear, and the screw is generally disc. Ana prabédan diameter loro, rebar relatif luwih kandel, diameteripun biasane udakara 10 nganti 34 mm, lan dawane umume udakara 9 meter utawa 12 meter. The diameter of the coil screw is mostly no more than 10 mm, and it can be arbitrarily intercepted.
Spesifikasi beda. The general diameter of the coil screw is 6.5mm, 8.0mm, 10mm, 12mm, and 14mm, while the general diameter of the wire is 5 to 9mm.
Snail Coil umume digunakake minangka bahan bangunan.